./configure –enable-perl-site-install
./configure –enable-perl-site-install
Move the folder /usr/local/lib64/perl5 to /usr/local/lib64/BADperl5
Move the folder /usr/local/share/perl5 to /usr/local/share/BADperl5
Convert snapshot to standalone image
qemu-img convert -O qcow2 <snapshot.img> <new-image.img>
virsh snapshot-create-as --domain debian11 --name debian11_snapshot01
virsh snapshot-create-as --domain debian11 --name debian11_snapshot01
virsh snapshot-revert debian11 debian11_snapshot01
virsh snapshot-delete --domain debian11 --snapshotname debian11_snapshot01
virsh snapshot-info --domain debian11 --snapshotname debian11_snapshot01
sudo virsh detach-disk --domain test --persistent --live --target vdb
Create disk:
qemu-img create \
-f qcow2 \
-o lazy_refcounts=on,preallocation=falloc \
qemu-img comes with various options for setting the allocation when creating new disk images.
preallocation=metadata – allocates the space required by the metadata but doesn’t allocate any space for the data. This is the quickest to provision but the slowest for guest writes.
preallocation=falloc – allocates space for the metadata and data but marks the blocks as unallocated. This will provision slower than metadata but quicker than full. Guest write performance will be much quicker than metadata and similar to full.
preallocation=full – allocates space for the metadata and data and will therefore consume all the physical space that you allocate (not sparse). All empty allocated space will be set as a zero. This is the slowest to provision and will give similar guest write performance to falloc.
Convert disk:
mv disk.qcow2 disk.qcow2.bak
qemu-img convert -O qcow2 -o lazy_refcounts=on,preallocation=falloc disk.qcow2.bak disk.qcow2
Attach disk:
virsh attach-disk [vm ID] \
--source /path/to/disk.qcow2 \
--target vd[x] \
--persistent \
--subdriver qcow2
To do so, log in to your guest machine via SSH or Virt-manager or Cockpit and run the following commands to enable and start a serial console:
systemctl enable serial-getty@ttyS0.service
systemctl start serial-getty@ttyS0.service
connect to console from Host
virsh console
root@hphost:~# efibootmgr
BootCurrent: 0002
Timeout: 0 seconds
BootOrder: 0000,0004,0002,0001
Boot0000* debian
Boot0001* ubuntu
Boot0002* rEFInd Boot Manager
Boot0004* Windows Boot Manager
change order
sudo efibootmgr -o 0004,0002,0001,0000
change the EFI boot manager timeout
efibootmgr --timeout=4
delete entry
efibootmgr -Bb 0003
virsh vcpucount <vm_name>
virsh setvcpus <vm_name> <max-number-of-CPUs> –maximum –config
virsh setvcpus <vm_name> <number-of-CPUs> –config
virsh setvcpus <vm_name> <number-of-CPUs> –live
virsh net-list --all
Name State Autostart Persistent
default inactive yes yes
inner-network active yes yes
outer-network active yes yes
virsh attach-interface --domain debian11 --type bridge --source inner --mac 52:54:00:29:5c:2e --model virtio --config --live