Feb 12 2022

upgrade to Slackware-15.0

mkdir /packages
mount /dev/cdrom /packages
telinit 1 | 3

1.  Upgrade your glibc shared libraries. This is important, or things
    might go haywire during the next part of the upgrade:
upgradepkg --install-new /root/slackware/a/aaa_glibc-solibs-*.txz

2.  Upgrade your package utilities and related tools:

    upgradepkg /root/slackware/a/pkgtools-*.txz
    upgradepkg /root/slackware/a/tar-*.txz
    upgradepkg /root/slackware/a/xz-*.txz
    upgradepkg /root/slackware/a/findutils-*.txz

3.  Upgrade everything else (and install new packages):

    upgradepkg --install-new /root/slackware/*/*.t?z

4.  Remove obsolete packages. The CHANGES_AND_HINTS.TXT file should have a
    list of these. You may also wish to go into /var/lib/pkgtools/packages
    and take a look at the package list:

    ls -lt | less
    removepkg --terse ConsoleKit2 PyQt Thunar aaa_elflibs amarok amor ash \
      automoc4 bigreqsproto calligra-l10n-bs calligra-l10n-ca \
      calligra-l10n-ca@valencia calligra-l10n-cs calligra-l10n-da \
      calligra-l10n-de calligra-l10n-el calligra-l10n-en_GB calligra-l10n-es \
      calligra-l10n-et calligra-l10n-fi calligra-l10n-fr calligra-l10n-gl \
      calligra-l10n-hu calligra-l10n-it calligra-l10n-ja calligra-l10n-kk \
      calligra-l10n-nb calligra-l10n-nl calligra-l10n-pl calligra-l10n-pt \
      calligra-l10n-pt_BR calligra-l10n-ru calligra-l10n-sk calligra-l10n-sv \
      calligra-l10n-tr calligra-l10n-uk calligra-l10n-zh_CN \
      calligra-l10n-zh_TW cargo cgmanager compositeproto damageproto db42 \
      db44 dirmngr dmxproto dri2proto dri3proto eigen2 eject evieext \
      fixesproto fontcacheproto fontsproto gcc-java getty-ps glade3 \
      glibc-solibs glproto gnome-themes-standard gnu-cobol gst-plugins-base0 \
      gst-plugins-good0 gstreamer0 gtk-xfce-engine herqq idnkit ilmbase \
      imapd inputproto intel-gpu-tools js185 kaccessible kajongg \
      kaudiocreator kbproto kde-base-artwork kde-baseapps kde-l10n-ar \
      kde-l10n-bg kde-l10n-bs kde-l10n-ca kde-l10n-ca@valencia kde-l10n-cs \
      kde-l10n-da kde-l10n-de kde-l10n-el kde-l10n-en_GB kde-l10n-es \
      kde-l10n-et kde-l10n-eu kde-l10n-fa kde-l10n-fi kde-l10n-fr \
      kde-l10n-ga kde-l10n-gl kde-l10n-he kde-l10n-hi kde-l10n-hr \
      kde-l10n-hu kde-l10n-ia kde-l10n-id kde-l10n-is kde-l10n-it \
      kde-l10n-ja kde-l10n-kk kde-l10n-km kde-l10n-ko kde-l10n-lt \
      kde-l10n-lv kde-l10n-mr kde-l10n-nb kde-l10n-nds kde-l10n-nl \
      kde-l10n-nn kde-l10n-pa kde-l10n-pl kde-l10n-pt kde-l10n-pt_BR \
      kde-l10n-ro kde-l10n-ru kde-l10n-sk kde-l10n-sl kde-l10n-sr \
      kde-l10n-sv kde-l10n-tr kde-l10n-ug kde-l10n-uk kde-l10n-wa \
      kde-l10n-zh_CN kde-l10n-zh_TW kde-runtime kde-wallpapers kde-workspace \
      kdeartwork kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer kdelibs \
      kdenetwork-strigi-analyzers kdepim kdepim-apps-libs kdepimlibs \
      kdesdk-strigi-analyzers kdevelop-php kdevelop-php-docs kdevplatform \
      kdewebdev keybinder kgamma kio-mtp klettres korundum kplayer kppp \
      kremotecontrol ksaneplugin ksnapshot ksysguard ktuberling ktux \
      kuser kwebkitpart lha libXfont libart_lgpl libbluedevil libcroco \
      libkdeedu libkgeomap liblastfm libmcs libmm-qt libmowgli libmsn \
      libnm-qt libtermcap libva-intel-driver libwmf-docs mailx man \
      mkfontdir mozjs52 mozjs60 mozjs68 mplayerthumbs nepomuk-core \
      nepomuk-widgets notify-python openldap-client openssl10 \
      openssl10-solibs orage oxygen-icons pairs perlkde perlqt \
      phonon-gstreamer pm-utils presentproto printproto pth pykde4 pyrex \
      python python-enum34 qca-qt5 qimageblitz qjson qt qt-gstreamer qtruby \
      qtscriptgenerator randrproto raptor2 rasqal recordproto redland \
      renderproto resourceproto rfkill rxvt scim scim-anthy scim-hangul \
      scim-input-pad scim-m17n scim-pinyin scim-tables scrnsaverproto \
      seamonkey-solibs sendmail sendmail-cf slocate smokegen smokekde \
      smokeqt soprano strigi superkaramba tetex tetex-doc transfig trn \
      urwid videoproto virtuoso-ose wicd-kde wireless-tools workbone \
      xcmiscproto xextproto xf86-video-xgi xf86-video-xgixp xf86bigfontproto \
      xf86dgaproto xf86driproto xf86miscproto xf86vidmodeproto xfractint \
      xineramaproto xproto xv

5.  IMPORTANT! *Before* attempting to reboot your system, you will need
    to make sure that the bootloader has been updated for the new kernel!
    First, be sure your initrd is up to date (if you use one). You can
    build a new initrd automatically by running the geninitrd script:

6. Genereate initrd
edit /usr/share/mkinitrd/mkinitrd_command_generator.sh

mkinitrd -c -k 5.15.19 -f ext4 -r /dev/md0 -m jbd2:mbcache:crc32c_intel:crc32c_generic:ext4 -R -u -o /boot/initrd.gz

7. ln -s /lib64/libcrypto.so.1.1 /lib64/libcrypto.so.1
8. reboot

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